Thursday, November 29, 2007

Discounted Prices

I wanted to let everyone know that my session fee is currently reduced to $30 until the end of 2007.
Also, with a signed release you get a low-res (not print quality) CD of all images that are in your gallery.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's been a while.

I've pretty much neglected this blog since setting it up. Bad, bad me. From here on out I will be better at it. *promise*

So, what have I been up to? Learning, practicing, shooting. Working on design. Hey, did you take a minute to look at the new and improved website? Changes are going to happen all the time so be sure to check back often!

Oh, and for those that are interested in pictures? Drop me a line. My session fee is currently reduced by 50% (to $30!) until the end of the year with a signed release. Drop me a comment, an email or a comment on the blog or the site.