Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Such a fun family!

I had a blast yesterday on the beach with this wonderful family that were visiting from AZ. I knew the dad oh, more than 20 years ago! The weather wasn't cooperating in typical San Diego fashion, we had a marine layer that wouldn't stop. But we still had a good time.

Here's Mr. "J", realizing, that "Hey, the sand isn't too bad!"Mom & Miss "I" taking a stroll. Amazing in the fact that this energetic 4 year was busy rock collecting most of the time.

And don't worry you two, I got respectable shots as well, but Dave, you were tooo funny.

I'm still sorting and editing more, but wanted to get the sneak peek up for you all. And don't worry, there's some shots with color but I'm loving how these are in black and white....